Import Ghost Cars in BC?

I was driving home from work today at about 7 PM, when I suddenly heard a siren behind me.

I looked all around. No emergency vehicles in sight.

I checked my rearview mirror a moment later and suddenly noticed a black, Nissan Altima with flashing headlights. The driver appeared to be a casually dressed, undercover police officer. I was puzzled and confused, as were plenty of other drivers around me. The car should have been equipped with brighter emergency lights. I didn’t notice the ghost car until it was literally right behind me. Anyways, as per normal procedure for an incoming or passing emergency vehicle, I swerved off the road so that the police officer could pass. A little further ahead I heard screeching tires from (probably) another startled driver.

Since when do they use imports for ghost cars in BC? I’ve seen a few domestic ghost cars over the years, but never an import. A quick Google search turned up the answer to my question. Apparently, what I thought to be an anomaly appears to be common, at least in BC.